Taming the Wild: Understanding and Controlling Maverick Spend

Written by Zeiv | Jul 2, 2024

Picture this: Your company is a well-oiled machine, with streamlined processes and controlled expenses. But suddenly, unplanned and unauthorized purchases pop up, throwing your carefully balanced budget into disarray. This scenario illustrates the disruptive nature of maverick spend, a challenge many organizations face. This article explores what maverick spend is, provides an example, explains why it happens, discusses its impact, and offers strategies to keep it under control.

What Is Maverick Spend?

Maverick spend refers to purchases made outside of the company’s established procurement processes and policies. These unapproved expenditures can lead to inefficiencies, increased costs, and difficulties in maintaining control over budgets and contracts. While employees might make these purchases with good intentions, such as trying to save time or money, the lack of oversight and consistency often results in higher costs and compliance risks.

Understanding maverick spend requires recognizing that it’s not just about unauthorized buying; it’s about the impact on the organization’s ability to manage its resources effectively. When employees bypass the approved procurement channels, it undermines the efforts to negotiate better deals, track spending, and ensure compliance with corporate policies.

What Is an Example of Maverick Spend?

Consider a mid-sized company with a strict procurement policy requiring all office supplies to be ordered through a designated vendor. An employee, needing supplies urgently, decides to purchase them from a local store using a company credit card. This purchase, though seemingly minor, is an example of maverick spend.

The consequences of this action can be more significant than they appear. The company misses out on volume discounts and preferred pricing from the designated vendor, and the finance team has to reconcile the unplanned expense, disrupting their budgeting and reporting processes. Over time, numerous such purchases can add up, leading to substantial unanticipated costs.

Why Does Maverick Buying Happen?

Maverick buying occurs for several reasons, often stemming from a lack of awareness or understanding of procurement policies. Employees might be unaware of the approved vendors or the procedures for making purchases. In other cases, the procurement process might be perceived as too slow or cumbersome, prompting employees to take matters into their own hands to meet urgent needs.

Another factor is the convenience of using personal discretion. Employees might believe they are saving the company money by finding cheaper alternatives or think that their small purchases are insignificant. However, these individual decisions, when aggregated, can lead to significant deviations from the planned budget and procurement strategy.

Why Is It Important To Control Spend?

Controlling spend is crucial for several reasons, including spend management, compliance, and operational efficiency. Uncontrolled spending can quickly escalate, leading to budget overruns and financial instability. By adhering to approved procurement processes, organizations can negotiate better deals, leverage economies of scale, and maintain a clear understanding of their financial commitments.

Moreover, controlling spend ensures compliance with corporate policies and regulatory requirements. Unauthorized purchases can expose the company to legal risks, especially if they involve non-compliant vendors or violate contractual agreements. Effective spend management also promotes operational efficiency by reducing the administrative burden of reconciling unplanned expenses and ensuring that all purchases align with the organization’s strategic goals.

How Do You Keep Maverick Spend Under Control?

To control maverick spend, organizations need a multi-faceted approach that includes clear policies, employee education, and robust monitoring systems.

Establish Clear Policies

The first step is to establish and communicate clear procurement policies. These policies should outline the approved vendors, purchasing procedures, and the consequences of unauthorized purchases. Clear guidelines help employees understand what is expected and reduce the likelihood of unintentional maverick buying.

Educate Employees

Employee education is critical. Regular training sessions can help employees understand the importance of following procurement policies and the impact of maverick spend on the organization. Providing easy access to procurement resources, such as vendor lists and procurement guidelines, can also help employees make informed purchasing decisions.

Implement Monitoring Systems

Implementing robust spend management software is essential. These systems can track purchases in real time, flagging any deviations from the approved procurement process. Regular audits and reviews of procurement activities can help identify patterns of maverick spend and take corrective action.

Foster a Culture of Accountability

Finally, fostering a culture of accountability can significantly reduce maverick spend. Encouraging employees to adhere to procurement policies and holding them accountable for unauthorized purchases creates a sense of responsibility and reinforces the importance of compliance.

Time to get maverick spend under control

Maverick spend poses significant challenges to organizations, impacting cost management, compliance, and operational efficiency. Establishing clear policies, educating employees, implementing monitoring systems, and fostering a culture of accountability are key steps in keeping maverick spend under control. For further improvement, organizations should continuously review and refine their procurement processes, adapting to new challenges and opportunities as they arise.