The 3 Stages of Procurement Maturity

Written by Zeiv | Jun 25, 2024

As organizations grow, so does the complexity of their procurement processes. But how do you know if your procurement strategy is fully optimized, or if you’re leaving value on the table? The Procurement Maturity Model offers a structured roadmap to assess your current procurement capabilities and guide your journey toward becoming a best-in-class operation. From basic tactical processes to leveraging procurement as a strategic driver of business innovation, this model helps identify where you stand and what steps you need to take next. Unlocking procurement maturity isn’t just about improving operations—it’s about maximizing value, driving efficiency, and fostering long-term innovation across the entire organization.

What is a Procurement Maturity Model?

A procurement maturity model is a framework that helps organizations assess the current state of their procurement function and chart a course for improvement. It provides a structured approach to evaluate and enhance procurement capabilities, processes, and strategies. By understanding where they stand on the maturity continuum, organizations can identify areas for improvement and implement targeted actions to advance their procurement maturity.

3 Procurement Maturity Stages

The procurement maturity model is typically divided into three stages: Transaction and Operations, Tactical, and Strategic. Each stage represents a different level of procurement sophistication and capability


At this entry level, procurement is mainly focused on basic administrative tasks like processing purchase orders, invoices and ensuring payments. There is little strategy or dedicated procurement team, with operations driven by financial control rather than procurement efficiency. Procurement activities at this level are often reactive and transactional


  • At this stage, procurement is largely reactive, focusing on basic tasks like purchase orders and invoice processing. There's little to no focus on long-term strategy or cost optimization.
  • Many procurement tasks are manual, leading to inefficiencies and high error rates. This can cause delays in payments, disputes with suppliers, lack of spend visibility, and maverick spend.
  • Procurement operates in isolation from other departments, resulting in fragmented processes and limited stakeholder collaboration.

Moving from Transactional to Tactical

  • Start by automating routine tasks such as purchase order creation, invoicing, and approval workflows. This reduces manual errors and improves efficiency.
  • Hire or assign dedicated procurement professionals who can focus on strategic tasks rather than just processing orders.
  • Establish clear procurement policies and procedures to standardize processes across the organization.
  • Shift from transactional relationships to developing structured supplier agreements that optimize costs and reduce risks.

Key Step: Invest in procurement softwares that automates manual processes and begin formalizing procurement strategies and responsibilities.


Here, organizations begin to formalize procurement by hiring professionals, implementing strategic sourcing, and introducing basic technology to improve sourcing events and contract management. Procurement starts to capture value by managing supplier contracts and leveraging initial technology solutions to scale operations. Procurement is increasingly integrated with other business functions, such as finance and operations.


  • Although organizations start to introduce procurement technology, systems are often not integrated, leading to fragmented data and poor process and spend visibility.
  • Supplier relationships are often transactional, and there is limited focus on managing supplier risks or performance.
  • Transitioning from manual processes to a more strategic procurement function can meet resistance from internal teams who are accustomed to traditional methods.

Moving from tactical to strategic

  • Implement advanced tools such as e-sourcing, spend analytics, and supplier performance management. These tools will allow you to track spend data and supplier performance in real-time.
  • Shift from transactional relationships to developing structured supplier agreements that optimize costs and reduce risks. Introduce basic tools for contract management and supplier evaluation.

Key Step: Develop strong supplier relationship and leverage data analytics for more strategic decision-making.


Procurement evolves into a more strategic role, with dedicated category managers focusing on specific areas of spend. At this stage, the focus shifts to maximizing value, reducing total cost of ownership, and driving data-based decision-making. Advanced sourcing technology is introduced to support complex award scenarios and manage large-scale spend.

Procurement becomes a key partner in driving business innovation. Best-in-class organizations use advanced procurement platforms, integrating all spend management processes, from sourcing to payments. Procurement teams work closely with stakeholders to identify opportunities for innovation and supply chain resilience, leveraging insights from supplier relationships to support business goals.


  • As procurement becomes more data-driven, the challenge lies in harnessing large amounts of data effectively. Poor data quality or lack of actionable insights can limit decision-making capabilities.
  • Developing expertise in specific categories requires deep industry knowledge, which can be a challenge for smaller procurement teams. Category managers may struggle to balance their time between operational tasks and strategic sourcing efforts.
  • Procurement teams must continually innovate to keep pace with evolving market trends, technology advancements, and shifting business priorities. This requires constant evaluation of supplier relationships and internal processes.
  • Achieving deep, collaborative partnerships with suppliers can be difficult, especially in industries where procurement has traditionally been focused on cost reduction rather than joint innovation.

How to sustain and continue to innovate

  • Implement advanced tools such as e-sourcing, spend analytics, and supplier performance management. These tools will allow you to track spend data and supplier performance in real-time.
  • Assign category managers responsible for specific areas of spend. These managers should focus on optimizing costs, building supplier relationships, and driving value in their category.
  • Utilize data analytics to identify cost-saving opportunities and improve sourcing decisions. Make data-based procurement strategies central to your operations.
  • Work closely with strategic suppliers to drive innovation and co-create solutions. This might involve collaborative product development, sustainability initiatives, or joint risk management strategies.
  • Establish a culture of continuous learning and improvement. Regularly review procurement processes, update technology, and incorporate feedback from both internal stakeholders and suppliers.

Take your procurement maturity to next level

In conclusion, the procurement maturity model provides a clear roadmap for organizations looking to enhance their procurement functions from basic, operational tasks to becoming a strategic driver of innovation and value. Each stage presents unique challenges, moving through these stages requires investment in technology, building specialized expertise, and integrating procurement with other business functions. As you progress through the maturity curve, procurement evolves from a cost-centric operation to a key contributor to business growth and innovation.